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Xiaowan Yang

来源:jgxy    时间:2023-10-16    作者:jgxy    编辑:jgxy    点击:


Basic Information

School :

School of Economics and Management



Date of Birth:





Ph.D of Management


Master degree



Interest of research:

Enterprise Innovation Management, Collaborative Behavior

Academic Background

From September2009to July2013, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Bachelor’s degree inBusiness Administration;

From September 2013to July 2014, South China University of Technology, successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study;

From September 2014to September 2019, South China University of Technology, Ph.D of Technology Economicsand Management.

Enrollment information

1. Admission Disciplines: Business Administration

2. Research Direction:Enterprise Innovation Management, Collaborative Behavior

3. Enrollment Year: 2023-2024

Representative Projects

National Natural Science Foundation Project: A Cross-level Study on the Antecedents Configuration of University Research Team’s Industry-UniversityCollaboration Behavior and Its Academic Performance (January 2022 - December 2024)

Representative Articles

1. Fan X, Yang X, Yu Z. Effect of basic research and applied research on the universities’ innovation capabilities: the moderating role of private research funding[J]. Scientometrics, 2021, 126, 5387-5411. (Corresponding Author) (SCI/SSCI)

2. Yang X, Zhu G, Lü F, Dai Y. How does university-industry collaboration enhance the academic performance of university research teams? A multi-case study based on a behavioral perspective[J]. Management Review, 2021, 33(02): 338-352. (FirstAuthor) (CSSCI)

3. Zhu G, Li X, Yang X. The influence of international talent on organizational knowledge innovation from a cooperative network perspective: A case study in the field of artificial intelligence[J]. Studies in Science of Science, 2020, 38(10): 1879-1887. (Corresponding Author) (CSSCI)


上一篇:Guiping Zhang
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