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Jie Zhou
Basic Information Department:Accounting Gender: Female Degree: PhD in Economics Title: Associate Professor Email:zhoujie@hbut.edu.cn Courses: Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance Tutor:Master

7月7日上午,经济与管理学院青年教师教学能力提升培训暨教师教学能力提升双创工作坊第七期在文科楼810会议室举行。本次讲座由学校原教务处处长王德发教授主讲,副院长张冀新教授主持会议。学院近四年来入职的30多位青年教师参加了本次专题培训。 王德发教授围绕“人才培养形势、使命、行动”的主题,为青年教师讲授新形势下人才培养需求、新时代下的教书育人使命以及新环境下教师成长路径。通过讲授学校“立足湖北、服务

Hongyang Yu
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Title: Associate Professor Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research: StrategicManagement

Xiaoyan Zhu
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Date of Birth: 197601 Title: Associate Professor Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research

Rujun Xu
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: male Date of Birth: 198906 Title: Associate Professor Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research

Xiaowan Yang
  Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Date of Birth: 199008 Title: Lecturer Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Email: 1069731059@qq.com

Pingli Zhu
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Male Date of Birth: 197911 Title: Professor Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research: Human

Jihong Shao
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Date of Birth: 197005 Title: Professor Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Enrollment information 1.

Fenfen Zhao
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Date of Birth: 198404 Title: Associate Professor Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research

Guiping Zhang
Basic Information School : Huazhong University of Science and Technology Gender: Female Date of Birth: 197509 Title: Professor Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research

Xiaojuan Zhang
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Date of Birth: 197901 Title: Associate Professor Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research

Lei Zhang
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Date of Birth: 198908 Title: Lecturer Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research: Strategic

Qin Yang
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Date of Birth: 198712 Title: Lecturer Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research: Marketing

Ting Peng
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Male Date of Birth: 198008 Title: Assistant Professor Education: Ph.D of Finance Tutor: Master degree Interest of research

Yuxin Lu
Basic Information School : School of Economics and Management Gender: Female Date of Birth: 198908 Title: Lecturer Education: Ph.D of Management Tutor: Master degree Interest of research: Strategic

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